Frequently Asked Questions
Who is Dutra?
Dutra Group is a family-owned business with 400+ employees that operates throughout the United States. We specialize in Dredging, Mining, and Marine Construction. Please visit the main Dutra website for more information.
SRRQ Benefits?
The San Rafael Rock Quarry is committed to maintaining a good relationship with its neighbors. Here are a few examples of the steps taken by the San Rafael Rock Quarry to ensure that we are a good neighbor:
Restricted work hours on some of the more audible operations to weekday day-time hours
Implemented a daily street-sweeping of Point San Pedro Road
Installed a new truck wash station to reduce debris track-out onto Point San Pedro Road
Limited the number of daily truck trips to and from the Quarry
Put into use the reduced noise back-up alarm systems on the trucks at the Quarry
Emergency Relief & Disaster Prevention?
Locally, the Quarry has responded to levee failures in Novato near Rowland Blvd. and Hamilton Field, hillside slides in Fairfax and Larkspur, and flooding in downtown San Anselmo.
On a broader scale, the Quarry is a major supplier of materials to the levee system in the Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta. In 2006, our Quarry was called upon to carry out the emergency repair of 29 levees in the Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta, the collapse of which would have devastated the region and the state’s water supply. The Delta is home to thousands of residents, precious agricultural resources, and many species of birds and aquatic life.
Economy & Jobs?
The San Rafael Rock Quarry provides a local source for important public works and private development projects in the community. The Dutra Group employs approximately 175 people and much more seasonally.
SRRQ Hours of Operation?
Mining, Quarrying, Excavation, Drilling, Crushing Plant, Primary Crusher, Secondary Crusher, Aggregate Processing and Handling, and Asphalt Batch Plant.
OPERATIONS – MONDAY – FRIDAY 7 am. To 8 p.m. (YTD 100% of the time work has been completed at the Quarry by 5 p.m.)
Saturday Maintenance Days – Permit allows for 10 days a year and 0 have been used YTD
Materials Haul Trucks Entering and Exiting Quarry, Monday-Friday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Traffic & Congestion?
What makes the Quarry unique is that we are the only Northern California Quarry with direct waterside access and a barge delivery system the operation of which removes trucks from roadways, reducing traffic congestion and vehicle emissions. It also allows us to provide essential materials to locations in the Delta, and beyond, some of which are only accessible by water.
What is SRRQ’s Trucker Management Program (TMP)?
Metering times – Trucks are metered in 2-minute intervals for 2 hours at AM Peak and 1 Hour at Noon time and PM Peaks
Truck Washdown – All loaded trucks pass through a wash down system prior to departing the Quarry
Tarping –All aggregate and asphalt hauling trucks leaving the quarry are required to be tarped
Citation Notices to date – 5 Citations YTD in 2020
What is Reclamation?
Mine Reclamation is the process of restoring land that has been mined to a natural or economically usable purpose. Although the process of mine reclamation usually occurs once mining is completed; the preparation and planning of mine reclamation activities occur prior to a mine being permitted or started. SRRQ’s Reclamation Plan has a phased approach
Mine Reclamation creates useful landscapes that meet a variety of goals ranging from the restoration of productive ecosystems to the creation of residential/commercial developments
SRRQ Conceptual Plan is a mixed-use commercial-residential development
Does SRRQ have a noise permit?
Yes. Our Noise Permit language is as follows:
Noise levels due to Quarry Operations or Reclamation, measured at the residential receptor property line, shall be limited to 60 dba day/night Ldn, 70 dBA maximum, and 65 dBA impulsive.
The Quarry has not exceeded the noise standard since the permit has been issued per County reports
Blasting Permit language?
Blasting vibration beyond the Quarry Property is limited to a maximum PPV of 0.25 inches per second and not to exceed 133 Dbl air-overpressure.
Blasting is limited to the hours of 11:30 am – 1:30 pm, Monday-Friday
Notices of scheduled blasts are posted on the company website 36 hours in advance. www.sanrafaelrockquarry.com
Blasting Reports?
Click below for our most current blast reports: