Upcoming events.
Upcoming events.
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Termination of Emergency Response
SRRQ terminated its emergency operations response effective October 24th, 2024. During the response, 1 barge was loaded with rip rap materials to repair the levee. SRRQ was able to perform operations and barge loading in response to this emergency during normal permitted business hours. We thank the community for its coordination on this emergency response.
SRRQ - Emergency Levee Response to Victoria Island
SRRQ will be suspending its hours of operations limitations consistent with COA#33 in order to respond to an emergency levee project located on Victoria Island in the Sacramento River Delta. The project will require rock products from the San Rafael Rock Quarry to stabilize the levee that is currently failing. Important state infrastructure such as HWY 4 and intakes for the State Water Project are at risk should the levee fail completely. We are scheduled to load our first barges at the quarry, either late tonight or very early tomorrow morning. The quantity of rock and duration of emergency is currently unknown; however, we will keep the community informed as the emergency response progresses.
Barge Loading
SRRQ has begun to supply rip rap to various projects in the Sacramento River Delta, including the Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento River Erosion Control Project 2 and 4. These projects involve placement of rip rap to shore up existing levees and protect critical infrastructure. The materials provided to these projects will be supplied via barge. Barge loading will continue until approximately October 31st, 2024. Evening and Saturday loading may be required to meet the project’s schedule. All loading will be done in accordance with COA #32.